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将杀敌王!——进攻的秘密 (Checkmate! The secrets of attack)
First Section
1-1 进攻的秘密:直接进攻和间接进攻 (Direct Attack and Indirect Attack) (17:10)
1-2 进攻的秘密:魔法数字3和中心的作用(The magic number: 3 and why center is important) (15:59)
2-1 绝杀定式(Checkmate Patterns ) (18:00)
2-2 绝杀定式(Checkmate Patterns ) (17:48)
3-1 中路攻王: e 线上的行动 (Attack Uncastled King:The e file action) (21:33)
3-2 中路攻王: e 线上的行动 (Attack Uncastled King:The e file action) (33:47)
4-1 中路攻王: 致命f7 (Attack Uncastled King:The dangerous f7) (25:14)
4-2 中路攻王: 致命f7 (Attack Uncastled King:The dangerous f7) (21:36)
5-1 我应该易位吗? (Should I castle now ?) (24:44)
5-2 我应该易位吗? (Should I castle now ?) (18:23)
6-1 横线,直线,斜线——进攻中的高速公路 (Ranks, Files and Diagonals——The highways of attack) (23:07)
6-2 横线,直线,斜线——进攻中的高速公路 (Ranks, Files and Diagonals——The highways of attack) (23:13)
7-1 进攻中子力的运用 (Pieces in the attack) (18:47)
7-2 进攻中子力的运用 (Pieces in the attack) (18:49)
8-1 我心中的的最佳进攻对局 (The best attacking chess games—— Kaiqi's pick) (28:27)
8-2 我心中的的最佳进攻对局 (The best attacking chess games—— Kaiqi's pick) (22:27)
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4-1 中路攻王: 致命f7 (Attack Uncastled King:The dangerous f7)
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