Your Instructor
国际特级大师、国际棋联资深教练(FIDE Trainer),凯淇曾担任加拿大国家青少年队主教练、中国国家少年队教练、中国高水平人才后备基地教练等职位,超过10年高水平青少年棋手执教经验, 培养了一大批如今活跃在国内外棋坛的顶尖少年棋手,所教学生有两人获得世界少年锦标赛冠军。凯淇于2018年创办多伦多凯淇国际象棋俱乐部,是目前加拿大最专业的国际象棋俱乐部之一。
个人成绩:2015年美国百万美元公开赛U2400冠军、2015密西根公开赛冠军、2016年费城National Congress公开赛冠军、2008年韩国公开赛冠军等,并多次获得加拿大公开赛、华盛顿公开赛等国际公开赛亚军。
联系邮箱:[email protected]
Course Curriculum
First Section
Available in
after you enroll
Preview1-1 进攻的秘密:直接进攻和间接进攻 (Direct Attack and Indirect Attack) (17:10)
Preview1-2 进攻的秘密:魔法数字3和中心的作用(The magic number: 3 and why center is important) (15:59)
Start2-1 绝杀定式(Checkmate Patterns ) (18:00)
Start2-2 绝杀定式(Checkmate Patterns ) (17:48)
Start3-1 中路攻王: e 线上的行动 (Attack Uncastled King:The e file action) (21:33)
Start3-2 中路攻王: e 线上的行动 (Attack Uncastled King:The e file action) (33:47)
Start4-1 中路攻王: 致命f7 (Attack Uncastled King:The dangerous f7) (25:14)
Start4-2 中路攻王: 致命f7 (Attack Uncastled King:The dangerous f7) (21:36)
Start5-1 我应该易位吗? (Should I castle now ?) (24:44)
Start5-2 我应该易位吗? (Should I castle now ?) (18:23)
Start6-1 横线,直线,斜线——进攻中的高速公路 (Ranks, Files and Diagonals——The highways of attack) (23:07)
Start6-2 横线,直线,斜线——进攻中的高速公路 (Ranks, Files and Diagonals——The highways of attack) (23:13)
Start7-1 进攻中子力的运用 (Pieces in the attack) (18:47)
Start7-2 进攻中子力的运用 (Pieces in the attack) (18:49)
Start8-1 我心中的的最佳进攻对局 (The best attacking chess games—— Kaiqi's pick) (28:27)
Start8-2 我心中的的最佳进攻对局 (The best attacking chess games—— Kaiqi's pick) (22:27)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.